16+ List of Data Mining Blogs
Here is a small listing of blogs related to Data Mining:
- Abbott Analytics: both industry and research oriented posts covering any topic related to data mining (Will Dwinnell and Dean Abbott)
- Data Mining: Text Mining, Visualization and Social Media: a focus on data visualization and the blogosphere (Matthew Hurst)
- Data Miners Blog: data analysis and visualization from an industry point of view (Data Miners Team)
- The MineThatData Blog: data mining from the marketing point of view (Kevin Hillstrom)
- Intelligent Machines: news related to data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence (Damien François)
- Juice Analytics: data analytics with an emphasis on data visualization and corresponding tools (Juice Team)
- Crime Analysis and Data Mining: everything is in the title (Shyam Varan Nath)
- Data Mining in MATLAB: posts related to the use and possibilities of Matlab for data mining related problems (Will Dwinnell)
- Machine Learning Thoughts: philosophical and theoretical discussions about machine learning in general (Olivier Bousquet)
- Machine Learning (Theory): a strong emphasis on theoretical aspects of machine learning (John Langford)
- Machine Learning, etc: Theory behind machine learning and news related to this field (Yaroslav Bulatov)
- Enterprise Decision Management Blog: data mining and analytics in decision automation (James Taylor)
- Diamond Information and Analytics: analytics and its applications in marketing and operations (Amaresh Tripathy)
- Oracle Data Mining and Analytics: A blog focusing on the use of Oracle for data mining. It covers news, code and applications related to Oracle (Marcos M. Campos)
- Data Strategy: This new blog (started in June) discuss data strategy in general. Data acquisition, visualization and data mining are examples of topics (Chuck Lam)
- Data Mining et al.: A new blog about data mining with details on particular applications in this field (Georg Russ)